Friday, May 13, 2011

Keeping on keeping on...

Life events are happening at lightning speed right now. Awards banquet, board exams, graduation, PreK splash day, summer birthdays celebration, field trip, MY SCHOOL wrapping up...
And then there's the combo package of selling this house, buying another, inspecting, packing, showing the house, moving, keeping things tidy, thinking about arranging painters for the future house, finding something to WEAR to graduation. (Dang it, I've had 6 YEARS to find something, but have I?)
Somewhere in all of this, I am teaching all day, comforting little ones with bad dreams at night (is our stress rubbing off on them?), helping the other through painful leg cramps/growing pains, and settling disputes among students. I'm tired, frazzled, spent, and am ready to begin the new post-dental-school chapter of our lives. And, I am ever-so-anxious to slip off on our vacation...a dental school honeymoon of sorts!

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