Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Adventures in Waco...the Prologue

And thus begins our third or fourth (or fifteenth) trip to Waco...
We're here with the boys and Barbara. We visited house number 1 out of about 11 this evening (complete with one queasy child, one starving child, and one very pleasant-and always tolerant-mother in law) and quickly X-ed that house off the radar screen. Weird house. It was on a golf course which was moderately cool, and had a super cool boys-could-share-loft-like bedroom upstairs, but the rest of the house was weird. It's like some giant took each room separately, placed it in a salad bowl, jumbled them up and threw them into positions like a bunch of dice. There was no flow at all, was spacious, yet seemed extremely cramped. One good thing, though, is that I realized that I don't have NEARLY as much JUNK as some people. I would have never let someone come into my home if it were in that shape. Stuff everywhere.
I am super anxious to see the other homes. I guess I am anxious to see the home that inspires me to be there for the next gazillion years so I never have to move again. I remember feeling that way once, when we moved into the Norfolk house. We found it on a whim, and weren't even looking to move. But, we saw it, walked in and instantly knew that it was THE place for us.

So many things have gone on lately, but I've barely had time to breath much less blog. I'll catch up, maybe in December! I sure hope we have calm tummies and happy attitudes tomorrow. :)

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