Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some Recent Funnies

1. Nathan is OBSESSED with Magic Tree House books. I didn't quite understand the depth of the OCD until he rattled off 40 out of the 42 book titles, in order, and categorizing them by whether they were his from the book fair, mine from my class library, on loan from this public library or that one. He was very distraught about forgetting two of them, and raced to the computer to google the titles. Weird.

2. While Nathan is rattling off the book titles, Michael wants in on some fun and attention. He sat with us in the kitchen, in his high chair, eating a spice cookie. He keeps shouting, "CHICKEN! CHICKEN!" What? Nathan rambled on, book number yada is yada yada, blah blah blah. CHICKEN! Michael, you're eating a cookie not a chicken. "Mommy, it wooks wike a CHICKEN!" Sure enough my brilliant little toddler was correct. He bit that little cookie into the shape of a chicken. A cookie cutter couldn't have been any more precise. So, I have a Magic Tree House book savant, and a poultry shaped cookie biting master. Oh, the intelligence runs rampant in this house! HA!

3. There's a children's poem by Jack Prelutsky called I'm Being Eaten By a Boa Constrictor. This morning, I swear, I was being eaten, chipped away, by the ENDLESS talking of a six-year-old. There's was a really cute commercial not too long ago where this little girl was juuuust a-talkin'. This, that, saying just about everything about nothing. Nathan is a talker, most definitely, but this morning he was REEEEEALY pushing it. I love to hear the creativity that comes out of his mouth. He beams with ideas, excitement, and wonder, but there must have been some atmospheric pull this morning that had his little mouth gushing out as many words as he could physically form. The house is really quiet right now, though. He found a Magic Tree House book-on-CD at the library and darn near busted a gut with excitement the other day. He's in the other room listening...perfectly still...quiet...aaaaah!

Oh, the really dark photo in the post just before this one is of Nathan reading in bed--yep, a Magic Tree House book--in the dark, by the light of his super cool, flip up LED book light. He loves it. So, so cute, but he IS obsessed!

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