Monday, June 22, 2009

Sheets + Chairs = SOOO Much Fun!

What can I DOOOOO? There's nothing to DOOOOO!
We have enough toys for a small country worth of children, and somehow we're lacking fun.
Nathan wants to set up Battleship. Great. However, we have Michael whose battle tactic would be WAY more destructive that sinking a few ships. We'd have little red and white game pellets all OVER the house. Battleship is better when Michael is napping--which he is not at the current time.
Zoo Game? Nope. Pieces, cards, shiny little circle things...also better for when Michael is napping.
I've done a nice job changing up routines this summer, making time to spend with each son individually (often while the other is at school) and still having lots of together time. This morning it is "back to basics." I enlisted some kitchen chairs and a few sheets. They're having the grandest time. They've manage to drag in EVERY SINGLE STUFFED ANIMAL that we own, blankets, play costume stuffs, and an occasional dog who will manage to sneak into the new, odd structure in the living room.
Here are a few pictures: one is of the "tent" and some others are of our summer experience so far! (I took a photo of Michael sleeping in his crib...notice the difference compared to his infant picture from 2006!)

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