Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Sigh. The school year is over and again I am reminded that, YES, I'd be a darn good stay at home mom. I'm pacing myself with housework because who wants to tackle the whole shabang in one day? Michael's toddler teacher brought me off the ceiling this morning. We had a chat about potty training, and she knew what I felt all along. He's not ready. He may not be ready by August for preschool. I don't think I am ready either. As much as I want him to be a big boy and be proud of his advancements, I want to hang on to the few "baby" things that I have left. While seeing him in big-boy, Lightning McQueen underpants yesterday was absolutely darling, it made me sad. My heart just wonders if this will be the last call, the grand finale of the baby years. Should we, would we, could we have an encore? I just don't know. Until I know, I will probably keep baby wipes in the cabinet just in case.
Another mother was picking up her toddler from Michael's class today, woo-hooing about being pregnant again. This will be her third. Why do I have such a desire to COMPLETELY complicate our lives?
In the meantime I am having a blast. Yes, right now the boys are hollering about something Thomas-the-train, and now Michael is crying. Aaaaah, the sounds of summer.

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