Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Circus = Orange Juice

We're trying to keep quiet a super-covert operation around here today. Nathan is going with his dearest friend to the Circus's opening night tonight and we JUST CAN'T GO AROUND ANNOUNCING THAT TO MICHAEL. It's weighing big-time on his mind. He is giddy about going and can't stop blabbering about it. Hmmm. How would a superhero handle this? Code talking! We had to come up with something because everytime Michael heard "circus," he blurted out, "I wanna go circus." Nathan and I came up with a code word for circus: ORANGE JUICE. Now it is absolutely hilarious to see Michael's expression when Nathan says something like, "I can't wait to go to ORANGE JUICE tonight," or "How long until I go to ORANGE JUICE?" I hate to deceive my younger darling, but it's for his own good. I rarely get alone time with Michael when Nathan is away, so I am looking forward to that this evening. As much as I am treasuring my time at home with both of them this summer, I still love the alone-time with each one.

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