Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Eating Bon-Bons and Watching Soaps

If I were a stay-at-home mom, how would I spend my days? Nathan is off to school full time (not now, he's still fighting the flu--hence the time to sit and ponder on the keyboard). Michael goes twice a week and next year it will be three times a week. The route to school and back home takes roughly an hour. Seriously. That would be twice daily. Piddling around shops would just get me into trouble. Piddling in the kitchen would just get me into trouble. We'd not be so low on dog food. I'd probably have treatments on our windows. The drainboard wouldn't be stacked so high with idle pans and kitchen gear. Laundry chores could be completed a little bit per day--and folded and put away. I'd dust. Ok, maybe not. I ought to, though. It's embarrassing. I've never been one for soaps although the drama is hysterically funny--in a mocking, sarcastic way. My days at home with gimpy have given me some time to catch up on house work. I love keeping house. When I work, I get by with things being just tidy. I allow myself the excuses of being exhausted from the day or just not wanting to take the time to do something. I'd have all day to think about packing the next day's lunches. I would not forget the napping paraphernalia for little bit's school the next day. I'd sit and snuggle with him, if he'd let me, and nuzzle the top of his head. It's easy to say that I would have all my ducks in a row, all dust bunnies obliterated.
When working full time, I do make time to complete the chores and cuddle with my kids. It just seems so scheduled and haphazardly thrown into a rigid routine. However these things fit into my life, taking care of my family and home are my most prized purposes in life.

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