Thursday, December 18, 2008

Knock, Knock!

Living with a five-and-a-half year old, we often become audience-by-default to cheesy kindergarten-style jokes.

How do porcupies play Leap Frog?
Verrrrrry carefully!

It makes traffic interesting. Okay, it makes traffic a tad more annoying than traffic would be sans the comedy skit. I've gotten to where when I hear, "knock, knock," there's an instant, "NO!" response. Maybe I'm cold hearted.

Today I CRACKED up laughing, though. We were coming home from an after school run to Walmart, and I silently basked in the moment of victory that the traffic on the other side of the freeway was at a standstill, and I was finally the one whooshing along. Small thrills, I know.

Nathan was. . . quiet. Shocking!
Michael's comedic engines rumbled. He is usually a silent bystander to the jokes. Here's how the next minute played out:

M: Knock, knock.
N: Who's there?
M: Knock, knock.
N: Who's there?
M: Knock, knock.
N: Who's THERE?
M: Knock, knock.
N: WHO'S THERE, Michael? You gotta say who's there.
M: Who's there!
N: No, say who's there, Michael?
M: Who's there Michael?
M: Knock, knock.

Michael made a joke, I was hysterically cracking up, Nathan was dumbfounded yet perplexed at whether or not it was actually a joke or just Michael being a little brother again, and Michael just chuckled once at Nathan's frustration. He either got the intended reaction of his older brother, or he actually understood that he was incredibly funny at that moment. These moments never happen in idle traffic.

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