Monday, August 4, 2008

Some Summer Pictures

Believe it or not, my boys have enough toys for a small country worth of children. Yet...they play with the laundry basket. Ugh.

Looking south toward the Reliant Stadium/Astrodome area

Thank you, Wells Fargo, for having such an incredible observation deck and thick glass windows.

Overlooking MinuteMaid Park (open for some sunshine)

Wells Fargo Tower in downtown Houston

We had so many moments of collaboration this summer. I love that my boys love each other.

When big brother has cool froggie-green goggles for the "seeming poo", little brother's #1 priority is to GET THE GOGGLES. Somehow he got them, and was trying so very hard to put them on--whilst running around the house squealing with delight. Once they were on him, he just looked so darn cute. My little green froggie fighter pilot.

Five. My Nathan is five. He just makes me smile.

Michael snuck into the bathroom, pulled out the box of bathroom Dixie cups, stealthly (is that a word?) climbed into the tub, and had the most jovial Dixie cup separating party imaginable. He was quite pleased with himself and the scene was hysterical. Who knew that Dixie cups could create such fun!

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