Sunday, July 8, 2012

One Year in Waco

Today, one year ago, was moving day.  The truck came right on schedule and a few burly men did the work of an army: they hauled and loaded our things into a truck.  That truck held all of our stuff. They loaded up the house, then moved on to loading up our storage room. We spent a good 3 months packing and taking loads of boxes and other things to that storage room. They unloaded it in like 30 minutes. I felt a little inferior!
Since the movers would rest (they certainly deserved it) and would make the trip the next day, Nick, Nathan, and I left. I know I was teary eyed as I drove my van out of the city, but not too much honestly: I had cried so much leading up to that day and I think I was simply out of tears.
I hated to leave Houston. I truly did. I knew we would have a good life in Waco. I knew I would MAKE a good life in Waco, but it was just plain hard to leave. Everything that was familiar--home, people, back roads that I knew like the back of my hand--was going to change.
The moving came and went. The grand towers of boxes dwindled and dwindled until we actually had a front living room and not a giant staging area for the Great Unpacking Adventure. We jumped into home improvement projects even before we moved in. Rooms were painted, giving a clear stamp that new occupants had arrived. We set up things, arranged, REarranged, bought things, and made many changes. We have moved so many times that many things just have their place, whatever home we are in.
In the months since the move, we have done well, I think. I've felt along the way that I will never get tired of visiting Houston, but I am wholeheartedly content when it is time to return to Waco. It feels like home. I have worked hard to make it comfortable and I am proud of the work so far.
I feel so fortunate that we have met so many sweet, sweet people here. The boys had a super easy transition at their school thanks to loving teachers who welcomed them so kindly. I worried so much about that. We have neighbor friends. I have volunteer friends. Mom friends at the school. We've made numerous connections here and that feels good. I can go to the grocery store and see people I know now! I felt so isolated at first. All of this in one year. I feel that it has been a year of accomplishments. I am grateful that we gracefully made it through so many changes. 

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