Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nathan is SEVEN!

Nathan is officially past 6, 6 and a quarter, 6 and a half, 6 and 9/12ths, 6 and 11/12ths, and 6 and 364/365ths. He is officially SEVEN, and although it's a wonderful thing, IT'S AN AWFUL THING! How absolutely dreadful! My sweet, brilliant son is going through the years at lightning speed. I have no problem with my own age. I am perfectly happy everytime I get to take another breath in another day. However, it is hard to be a spectator as I watch my boys grow up.
I should not complain. I am thrilled to be their mother. I am blessed a million times over that they are happy and healthy and fill the world with love...and a few tantrums, but definitely a sizable chunk of love too. Seven, seven, seven, seven, seven. My, my, my.

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