Friday, April 10, 2009

Egg Hunting Rehearsals

There is something absolutely precious going on in my house this morning. High (not too high, just as high as a five-and-a-half-year-old can reach) and low, in the pantry, on the office chairs, on the couch cushions, on the window ledges, in the wall corners, among other places, Nathan is hiding eggs for Michael to find. They've both had their classroom Easter parties and egg hunts, and they're replaying that over and over and over right now on this restful, I-LOVE-that-Good-Friday-is-a-holiday morning. I have a sneaky feeling that the Easter bunny's arrival on Sunday might have a little less of a WOW factor, but they're just having a ball together. Each time Michael picks one up, he announces, "Easter egg," and Nathan announces the EXACT color. Once the basket is full, Michael sits on the couch while Nathan "hides" them again. Right now they're discussing the difference between light blue and baby blue. And giggling at the same time. I guess things could be worse: an outright argument over the shades of blue or something. It's really cute to listen to. Ooops, now they dropped all of the Easter "grass" all over somewhere, and Michael just commanded, "That's MINE." Aaah, the giggling moments were fun.

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