Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dr. DeBakey's Sisters

I went to the dentist today. I know that Nick will be a dentist in the not-so-distant future, and I love him to pieces. However, I can't stand going to the dentist. I'd rather give birth again. No joke. I'm wandering from the point. In the waiting room, I busied myself with some meaningless magazine. Thumbing through the pages looking at the pictures, I saw a photograph of two older women. Their picture caught my eye and the article was short. They'd be calling me back for my appointment any minute. I wrote a post the other day about Dr. DeBakey. The two women are his two sisters. The article, in short, summed up the devotion and support that these two women gave their brother as he climbed the medical ladder of success. They made their own marks on the medical communications field, which I learned was just that--doctors communicating with patients about their diagnoses (I thought the term may have meant much more technical verbage). I was pleasantly surprised to learn that these women took a more, not emotional, but perhaps the word is humanistic approach to medicine. Their brother was famous and world-renowned. But there in this little article, the world got to meet his sisters. They haven't quite made it to world-renowned status, but it was a pleasure to read about them.

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